Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dr Shemesh Tinnitus Treatment

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Zecharia Shemesh explains his approach to tinnitus treatment and gives useful suggestions to patients who recently developed tinnitus.

In Depth of dr shemesh tinnitus treatment

Dr. Shemesh. September 7, 2012. Well, I have been researching additional tinnitus treatment and I have found a really cool site. The doctor lives in Israel and  ...

2) Dr Shemesh did not publish any papers about treatment of tinnitus **. His metabolic approach is still kept secret and has never been under ...

More about dr shemesh tinnitus treatment

Michael, what is your relationship with the tinnitus program in Israel (patient, employee, consultant, etc)? Is promoting Dr. Shemesh's treatment ...

Hi, My mom has suffered from ear tinnitus for over 20 years. Me being a long-time yoga practicioner and instructor, I adviced her to change her food choices, as ...

Aug 30, 2009 - 4 minHaving had no improvement, Mr. Attia came to Dr. Shemesh. In the video clip, Mr. Attia tells ...

Tinnitus Treatment in Israel

Thanks to William Hal Martin, Ph.D., tinnitus clinician and investigator from Oregon Health Sciences University. Treatments are presented alphabetically, not in ...

Natural Cures for Tinnitus. Tinnitus is a condition that occurs when there is a malfunction in the inner ear that hinders its connection to the brain. This condition ...

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Tinnitus, although often described as “ringing in the ears”, can also present as a buzzing, hissing, seashell sound, roaring, humming or pulsation.

Specializes in the assessment and treatment of this condition in Australia, New Zealand and several locations in the United States.

Whether you are a patient or an audiologist, Neuromonics’ products and treatments can help you and your patients. Find out about the different devices and services ...

Nov 22, 2013 ... The results of a small clinical trial to test the safety of a new treatment for tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, showed positive results according to a ... Tinnitivix - Effective Natural Tinnitus Treatment - Get Tinnitus Relief - Stop Your Ringing Ears Fast!: Health & Personal Care.

Persistent tinnitus is tinnitus that lasts more than six months. Prior to any treatment, it is important to undergo a thorough examination and evaluation by your ...

dr shemesh tinnitus treatment

Private clinic in montreal - treatment of tinnitus (ringing in ear), phantom ear sounds,ear problems,hearing loss.

It is important to keep in mind that tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease. As such, the optimal treatment strategy should be directed toward eliminating the disease,  ...

Oct 01, 2014 · Home Health Info Hearing, Ear Infections, and Deafness Tinnitus. Tinnitus . On this page: What is tinnitus? What causes tinnitus? Why do I have this …

is dedicated to helping patients find relief from tinnitus. At Tinnitus Treatment Solutions, we understand how moderate to severe tinnitus can truly disrupt one's  ...

A non-profit organization working to improve the resources, information, and assistance available to sufferers of tinnitus. Efforts include funding tinnitus research ...

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dr shemesh tinnitus treatment

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Adhara Adi


  1. Dr. Shemesh, Tinnitus Clinic in Israel / Sharing a Factual Experience:

    On a personal note / Why I went to Israel:

    I had managed for the most part my onset of severe chronic Tinnitus for two and a half years. What I actually mean is that I spent half of my time in a “living hell” with emotional insanity. The other half of time, I used every management approach that I researched. I spent a year in a medical library with a medical dictionary to study one of the most complex human conditions.

    I spent thousands of dollars on trying different medical modalities seeking a cure. Yes, I was seeking or should I say, “dreaming” of a medical cure when I knew from my research and study of medical text that Tinnitus at this point of time “has no cure.”

    My (T) had moved into a series of multiple symptoms, which simply put over-took my ability to emotionally keep things in mental order [high frequencies & louder db]. (T) is a medical condition, which has a physiological explanation. The challenge is 90% psychological – how does one perceive the unusual brain noises and how does one react – is your limbic nervous system holding up or is it collapsing into feelings of despair and panic mode.

    If one selects and uses, after much trial & error, a course of (T) management tools, they will be able to rejoin their life as it was before.
    [TRT, Sound Therapies, Medications - careful selection, Meditation, Hypnosis, and the list goes on – yes just about everything involved with (T) is expensive]

    OK – I went to Israel as a last resort during a period in which I was emotionally way out of control because my (T) imploded. I went to Israel chasing false hope of a “curative process” – no such thing exists in this universe.

    I became another victim of a man (Mr. Shemesh) who takes emotional and financial advantage of people who suffer from chronic disabling Tinnitus. “A salesperson from the old west that sells curative tonics in a bottle and counts his money in private.”

    The error and mistake of going to Israel is on my lap - no one forced me - I just broke down emotionally and lost all sense of logic and the incapacity to accept the scientific / medical fact “there is no cure for (T). What there is – is a process of putting together a management protocol with selective tools to keep (T) harnessed and to live your life.

    I wasted thousands upon thousands of dollars going to Israel to see (Dr.) Shemesh in chase of a non-existent cure. The two-year use of his oral medical capsules has not benefited me neither has it benefited any of the five other (T) sufferers I met in Israel.

    I have attempted to be objective in my writing with a concern for being honest and not being regretful or revengeful.

    However, I will make a subjective comment for closing.

    From my personal observations and in rehashing all of my conversations (many questions of a medical nature) with Mr. Shemesh, I will conclude - I believe this man is beyond the capacity to see truth in science, truth in medical research & literature, and has lost the ability to question his own sense of “moral and ethical behavior.” Yes, he has made lots of money charging (T) patients $3,500.00 each and additionally he has created monthly income from the selling of expensive-overly priced supplemental / herbal capsules.

    A final comment:

    I knew Mr. Tim Donahue; we spoke several times on the telephone. His videotaping is Mr. Shemesh’s premiere marketing tool. Mr. Donahue committed suicide after suffering from Tinnitus for many years.
    I honestly believe if Tim had received TRT and personal psychological counsel with a support group that he would not have taken his life. He was a talented musician who enjoyed performing for live audiences.

    I cannot believe that Tim Donahue’s video presentation has not been removed from Mr. Shemesh’s website and from Google videos..!

  2. Dr. Shemesh Alleges Tinnitus “Cure” / Fake-Cure False-Hope “Fallacy”

    Well, to make a long story condensed, I traveled to Israel and I met with the doctor of magic. I performed Dr. Shemesh’s “curative protocol” in a most disciplined manner, for a two-year period I took his medicinal capsules and subscribed to his dietary suggestions. I spent $3,600.00 for the doctor’s consultation fees, $1,200.00 for required laboratory tests and $1,000.00 for initial supply of capsules.
    Overall, I spent $12,600.00 for my trip to Israel, which covered a six-week period. Over the two-year period, I spent an additional $1,500.00 for monthly capsules.

    Conclusion: As of this writing, my tinnitus symptoms have not improved even to the slightest degree. This fact is confirmed by the results of my recent hearing and tinnitus test performed by my Audiologist, PhD.

    The so-called “cure” has eluded me in the same manner that a criminal-mind / con-artist eludes an investigative process, which seeks to discover factual evidence.

    The magical cure has escaped me. Additionally, it has escaped the six (6) other tinnitus patients I met in Israel; we have continued to correspond throughout the two-year period.

    Time for a Reality Check:

    On Dr. Shemesh’s website, he discusses the silver-bullet word of a “cure.” Argument: No other licensed doctor or medical clinic in the entire world makes such a statement. Considering that, Dr. Shemesh did not major in ENT / Otolaryngology or Neurology, his statement of a “cure” can only be considered bold and questionable.

    Being that Dr. Shemesh has “never” subjected his tinnitus treatment protocol to clinical trials, random study trials, double-blind placebo trials, etc., perhaps it would be correct to call him “ludicrous.”

    Dr. Shemesh sells to his patient’s prepared medicinal capsules made of vitamins, minerals and herbs. An “individual” pharmacist prepares the capsules. The name of the pharmacist is secret; this information will not be revealed to any patient. There is no way of determining the quality, consistency, purity, and shelf life of the capsules because they are not prepared in a manner, which is regulated by Israel State Pharmaceutical practices. Argument: What is truly in the medicinal capsules; they have never been tested for ingredient composition by a licensed testing laboratory.

    The website of Dr. Shemesh shows pretty pictures of Hadassah Hospital and other Israel medical facility buildings. This is very deceitful because Dr. Shemesh’s office is in a very small medical building in an isolated area of Bane Braq. He no longer is involved with Hadassah Hospital. Argument: Is the website layout designed to be miss leading and to capture the eyes of vulnerable and gullible tinnitus sufferers?

    Dr. Shemesh will verbally tell you the patient has an 80% chance for “cure” in a two-year period. However, on the paper work agreement, which the patient signs, it states that 90% of patients have been cured. Argument: 80% is not 90% and 90% is not 80% - so please make up your mind. Now, remember there is no substantial medical data to back up any of these claims.

    With in the paper work is a signed agreement, which expresses that Dr. Shemesh has no obligation to offer the patient a “refund” should the protocol not work (No Cure). Argument: With a 90% cure rate why would the good doctor be so concerned about a small 10% failure rate?

    Several patients that I know, asked Dr. Shemesh for a “partial refund” because the process did not work for them; his answer was an “absolute” not possible you signed an agreement.

    1. Tinnitus is a terrible pain! I knew this from my Dad’s experience. He was exposed noisy equipment for several years as a result of his career and this caused him tinnitus. We couldn't find a cure for him after 8 years of several western medications and various natural alternative trials. By a stroke of luck, I stumbled on a comment where I got to know about Dr. Mohan herbal medicine and natural treatment method which cured him completely in a very short period of time. If you are dealing with tinnitus, there is no need to contemplate suicide because of the ringing, humming and whizzing inside your head. There is a permanent cure through herbal treatment. I know there are so many medications and conventional treatments, my father went through these processes but it never solved the problem until we used Dr. Mohan herbal medicine which gave him a permanent cure. I am not marketing; the comments I saw here made me understand that many people need help with getting the right medicine. I have learnt that it is unwise to keep your path to success a secret especially when it has to do with health. Contact Mohan to know more about his herbal medicine.
